Grant Title: |
California Environmental Justice Action Grant |
Due: |
10/13/2023 |
Amount Per Grant: |
$500,000 for 24 Months |
Eligibility: |
nonprofit, tribal entities |
Funding Purpose: |
To face disproportionate impacts from climate change, including low-income and immigrant communities, communities of color, and California Native American Tribes. |
Funder: |
California Environmental Protection Agency |
Grant Type: |
State |
Total Funding: |
$25,000,000 |
Number Of Awards: |
50 |
Link To RFP: |
Go To RFP Link |
Other Eligibility Requirements: |
Applicants must be organized or legally authorized to conduct business in CA. Projects may occur on state, tribal, or federal lands. CalEPA is exercising its discretion to fund projects that meaningfully involve/engage disadvantaged communities. To achieve equitable distribution of funds, additional factors may be considered including geographic distribution, rural/unincorporated status, levels of pollution burden, and fewest local resources. |
Funder Match Requirements: |
$0 |
CFDA#/ID#: |
Not Applicable |
Letter of Intent |
Not Required |
Letter of Intent Deadline |
Not Applicable |
Additional Application Deadlines: |
None |
If your organization is interested in this grant opportunity, please contact Resource Associates today. We are experienced, professional grant writers who will greatly improve your chances of winning.