Are you Grant Win Ready?

Start the grant writing process at any stage.
We craft winning program designs and partnership agreements, regardless of RFP release date.
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Why Grant Readiness Coaching?

Avoid the grant writing rush and mistakes caused by quick RFP deadlines.

Grant Readiness Coaching is for agencies needing help with planning and organizing the complex components of upcoming and future grant proposals.

Grant Readiness Coaches conduct the essential legwork needed for proper grant planning.


Coaches can independently (or collaboratively) gather data on your history, capacity, and successes.

They will track award patterns of re-occurring grants and study best practices of previous grantee winners.

Grant Readiness Coaches can identify service gaps, relevant community needs, and model solutions pertaining to specific grant competitions. They can also facilitate partner meetings and draft MOU’s on your behalf.

As planning rolls out, Coaches follow formal and online discussions about the grant to make sure grant reviewers’ expectations are well-known and addressed in the final proposal.

All of these elements are used to masterfully craft the most competitive and compelling grant proposal possible.

I’m a professional hand-holder for nonprofits seeking funding. I make sure they’re properly registered and eligible to apply. I help them develop strong, competitive program designs. I walk them through the grant application process from grant search through submission.
Shantell Cook
Applicant Prep Facilitator
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