
Find Awardable Grants in One
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Grant Research Opportunity Reports (GRO’s) detail up to 50 winnable grant opportunities, ready to apply.
From COVID and government grants to private foundations, GRO’s showcase your very best grant pursuit options.
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Grant Research Opportunity (GRO)

There are thousands of grants available at any given time. Searching for legitimate, awardable grants is a 24/7 commitment.

We say: focus on community “do-gooding,” not grant hunting.

A Grant Research Opportunity (GRO) Report details up to 50 winnable grants, both open RFP’s and forecasted.

Matched to your eligibility, capacity, goals, and needs, each featured grant is hand-picked by an expert grant writer, not a bot.


GRO’s are not spreadsheets of mindless internet research. They are comprehensive and include deadlines, award history, cost share details, and more.

The GRO process begins with a short intake followed by our independent research on your agency and community. This information drives our in-depth analysis of grant opportunities from both foundation and government funders, avoiding illegitimate competitions and “hard to secure” grants.

GRO’s are special because they are custom prepared by a professional grant writer. It’s not unusual for the grant writer to have successfully written one or two of the suggested GRO grants. This means the funding opportunity is verified to be awardable and we know how to best apply.

Only a grant writer can properly examine grant award patterns and history, elements of capacity, and funder reliability to assess a client’s unique competitiveness for award. In a couple of weeks after the GRO is completed, the grant writer will formally review the report with your team. The writer is then continually available for technical assistance.


Apply for grants on your own or let us do the writing. GRO’s cost a small, one-time fee, but are well worth the investment.
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I research upcoming RFPs and award trends every day. It’s my job to know grants you are eligible for now and in 6 months from now.
Cherilyn Sprague
Grant Opportunity Expert
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