Into the Future

If you are interested in any of the following workshops, please reach out. We’re always happy to answer questions and discuss your organization’s specific areas of need. Consultations are always offered at no charge and with no obligation.

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If your school does not involve multiple staff members and stakeholders in collective decision-making on a regular basis, then this service is perfect for you. The country’s top schools all share something in common. They all rely on a coordinated effort involving many different stakeholders to move their school towards a shared vision of success. Resource Associates’ School Vision Development and Restructuring service is designed to offer schools with guidance and a plan for making this happen. Our expert trainers will work closely with your school to create a plan defining your shared vision and decision-making process that can be put into place so that your school stakeholders feel they have a voice in the decisions, progress, and success of the school. Included in this service is assistance in developing a five (or ten) year plan of school success which incorporates goals, objectives, strategies, and timelines.


For this service, a series of 5 to 45 minute walk-through classroom observations are conducted by Resource Associates’ education experts. The team then collaborates about what they saw in the “beginning,” “middle” and “end” of each class. Documentation of their observations (compared against rubrics of best practices and competency ranking tools) is then used to enrich and support teachers’ professional growth and instructional improvement.


Randomly chosen lessons and/or lesson plans are assessed by our expert team of education specialists to determine whether or not they are accurately aligned with the district scope and sequence as well as the school’s curriculum documents. Quality control for each lesson may also be assessed by the team to help teachers identify their instructional strengths and weaknesses. This approach helps to ensure quality, equity, and the use of best practices in every classroom.


It is difficult for most teachers to objectively identify their own areas of strength and weakness – and sometimes it is unfortunately true that an educator can represent a weak link in the school improvement process. Resource Associates’ team of highly experienced education specialists has mastered the skill of sensitivity when working with teachers. For this service, our experts will work closely with your educators – showing them how to rate themselves against a rubric of research-based and evidence-based exemplary teaching characteristics. Resource Associates’ team will additionally work with groups of teachers to help them develop personal improvement plans that provide them with authentic strategies that will help them become better teachers now and in the future.


Today’s savvy administrators can take advantage of a variety of free online tools that can be custom designed to strengthen their administrative skills. Our experienced team of education specialists can assist your staff in creating online documents that teachers will be able to access daily to record any data that you would like to see from them on a regular basis. An example of this would be an online spreadsheet with students listed by class where reading intervention teachers could record daily progress made on a particular reading program by each student. These online documents allow administrators to monitor what is going on in their school from their desktop as well as in the halls.


Resource Associates’ team of education experts can be contracted to return to your school over the course of multiple school years to research and document changes in “school improvement” based in a number of desired areas. This objective group of experienced school administrators and pedagogical specialists has honed the skill of working with school administrators as they provide assistance in a “non-threatening” manner. This kind of formative assessment will provide the school staff with meaningful quantitative and qualitative data that can be used to monitor and adjust the school improvement process.


Benchmark testing is used widely in schools today, but what are teachers doing with the data once the tests are given? Resource Associates’ team of education experts can help devise a plan where teachers will actually use the data to address student academic weaknesses as aligned to the content standards – as well as ensure that areas of need are made stronger. During this process, teachers are taught and mentored on how to use data in the ongoing school improvement process.


Is your school an “exemplary” school? If not, you may want to consider bringing the Dream Team onsite to present and discuss various topics and methodologies to transform your school into exemplary status. Select up to 4 topics from the following list to develop a full day of training that will inspire your teaching and supportive staff:

  • Motivational Pep Talk
  • Leadership
  • Shared Vision and Goals
  • Creating and Sustaining a Positive Learning Environment
  • High Quality Teaching and Learning
  • High Expectations by Staff of Students
  • Positive Reinforcement
  • Close Monitoring of Pupil Progress
  • Student Rights and Responsibilities and Purposeful Teaching
  • How to Enhance Education Quality and Student Progress through…..
    • Needs Assessment
    • Goals and Assessment
    • Strategies and Assessment
    • Implementation: Who, What, When, Where, and Why?
    • Professional Development and Sustained Support
    • Ongoing Formative Evaluation
    • Summative Evaluation

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