Molding Student Behavior to Accelerate Learning

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This session is designed to equip teachers with a variety of techniques to use with students that are motivational oriented and that will nudge them to want to work towards academic excellence. Motivation is sometimes the hardest battle we face in school, and many times in an after school program as well. This workshop comes with suggestions, tips, tricks, and resources to engage and motivate students throughout their academic careers.


This training will give you all of the resources you could possibly need to help establish effective classroom discipline. You will walk away with essential tools to handle disruptive students and to minimize their effect. Various topics will be presented and discussed, including exploration of the background of positive reinforcement and various methods of classroom application.


During this session, your trainer will discuss the basic definitions and importance of positive self-esteem for children as well as how self-esteem impacts learning. The session is designed to build the knowledge and skills of school staff so that they can identify students with self-esteem issues. It will also help them to explore the different ways to address or increase self-esteem in the classroom as well as how to impart these lessons onto parents for continuing development in the home setting. Topics include, but are not limited to the following: What does it mean to stick up for yourself; you are responsible for your behavior and feelings; making choices; naming your feelings; claiming your feelings; naming and claiming your dreams and needs; getting and using power; and activities and techniques for building self-esteem.


During this session, your staff will learn how to recognize all forms of bullying. Your trainer will further work with your staff to determine if you have a bully problem at your school/district and what you should do about bullies. She will also discuss your school staff’s responsibilities and legalities in context to bullying. Your trainer will wrap up the session by sharing an array of resources with your teachers (which can be passed onto students and parents) on how to deal with bullies in addition to a student quiz that teachers can use to assess the level of bulling in his/her classroom.


This training will provide participants with an understanding and working knowledge of addiction. The basics of psychopharmacology and physical and psychological dependency will be included. Emphasis will be on signs and symptoms use patterns, complications, and management/treatment associated with specific substances.


During this session, your trainer will explore the many different triggers that cause pre-adolescent and adolescent students to exhibit challenging behaviors and attitudes – especially those that may be self-destructive, that may disrupt teaching and student desk work, and that impede learning. Attendees will also be given a number of resources and tools that will help them deal with destructive behaviors and that will help them establish consistent strategies for dealing with youth that lead to productive, positive learning environments for students and their classmates.

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