Subject Matter Training

If you are interested in any of the following audits or assessments, please reach out. We’re always happy to answer questions and discuss your organization’s specific areas of need. Consultations are always offered at no charge and with no obligation.

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Ever hear a sigh and “how boring” in reference to a social studies class? If so, you need to let our experts show you how to bring social science to life for students. During this training, you will learn how to make social science interesting and captivating to motivate and engage students in the learning process. You will learn how to help students relate to the various topics and trends as well as explore techniques and resources that will show students how to work towards understanding and solving the challenges facing them today and in the future. You will also learn how students can apply their knowledge and skills to service-learning and to the lifelong responsibilities of citizenship.


Having a broad basis of knowledge and skills in the various language arts is extremely important not only for student success, but also for life and future careers. Our experts in the different fields of language arts will help you to develop strategies, technology, lesson plans, and activities to improve your students’ various writing skills, increase their interest in reading and writing, and improve their reading ability and comprehension.


Learn the latest information on the importance of physical education for a lifetime of good health, as well as the current health problems facing our youth. Your trainer will share his/her knowledge about the many ways of making PE appealing to youth in addition to discussing safety issues, current technology and equipment, and information on best practices. Nutrition and exercise go hand-in-hand to develop healthy, lifelong habits and behavior. If you desire to include a nutrition aspect into this training, we can arrange for our registered dietitian to provide you with up-to-date information on the
importance of good nutrition for children and how it impacts learning, their health, and their future. Another service that can be provided by the dietitian as a part of this workshop involves the analysis of your current cafeteria menus and food policies. She will then be able to make recommendations for improving nutritious and tasty options for both your staff and your students.


More and more educators are using music and movement to help struggling students with academic content. For instance, both math and reading are utilized in playing and creating music. Also consider that one important characteristic of an effective after school program involves offering academic help to students that is different from what they receive in their regular classroom program. This training incorporates a variety of resources and techniques to show teachers how to use strategies that will help students learn academic content with music and movement so they make connections and remember higher level concepts. If you desire, our trainer can also introduce and enhance your skills, resources, and knowledge for utilizing music therapy to change inappropriate behavior or for special education programs.


English language acquisition is very important for our second language learners. This workshop is custom designed to help teachers develop effective strategies for whatever grade level or academic subject they are teaching. A second language cannot be drilled into the minds of students; it must be acquired through structured activities that take place in authentic classroom and other settings. During this workshop, our trainer will work with your teachers to help them properly build language acquisition into every lesson they teach.

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