Support for Education Agencies

We Write Grants for Schools and Education Agencies

From entitlement funds to federal grants like I3, 21st Century Learning Centers and Race to the Top, there are billions of dollars in grant funds available for education agencies. Resource Associates is dedicated to helping K-12 schools, districts, and colleges and universities find the funds they need to implement innovative programs, supplement tight budgets, expand learning opportunities, and ensure their students are prepared for future success.

Grant writing is a highly skilled and time consuming activity, but vital to educational institutions’ ability to serve their students. While there is an expense to hire a grant writer, an experienced grant writing firm like Resource Associates will quickly offset the expense in the funds they win for your institution. Often times, Resource Associates can write a grant for free so it’s always a good idea to call and explore your options with one of our consultants. It’s also important to consider that a qualified grant writer will:

  • Will reduce the time your staff members spend distracted from their core teaching or administrative duties.
  • Increase staff’s time for strategic planning and other vital leadership activities.
  • Enhance the delivery of high quality, grant funded programs.
  • Eliminate last minute, piecemealed grant proposals and non-aligned programs.


We’ve helped hundreds of schools and districts find funding to support and expand their services

“I count on Resource Associates to help us do our best work for our students. They care about our students as much as I do and celebrate our success right alongside us. I recommend the Resource Associates team to any school district. You have nothing to lose and millions of dollars to gain for your students.”

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Take a look at how we can help your school or district

  • Grant research – A custom report of the grant and funding opportunities that your education agency is most qualified to win.
  • Strategic grant program design – If you’ve identified a grant, or several grants, you’d like to pursue, we can help you make sure you’re prepared to write the proposal. We’ll help you through the planning and preparation of designing your program and building partnerships.
  • Grant writing – Take advantage of our team of experienced grant writers. We’ll take care of all the details, from planning the grant program design and development of the full narrative and budget to submission of the proposal. Many of our grant writers are former teachers and administrators as well as specialists in a number of areas, including special education and English language learning.
  • Partner coordination – Our partnership coordination team will do the time-consuming work of identifying and soliciting quality partners and securing documentation from new and existing partners.
  • Grant evaluation – Let Resource Associates’ doctorate-level evaluators take care of your grant progress reports, research design, tool development, and summative evaluation reporting.
  • Grant management – Once you’ve been awarded a grant, there are a whole new set of tasks and requirements that will need to be done. Rely on the expertise of our professional grant managers to develop, implement, and monitor a project and fiscal management plan for the entire life of your grant (or grants).
  • Program sustainability assistance – Ensure the longevity of your program with a plan for long-term funding, beyond the term of a single grant. Resource Associates will help you identify funding opportunities and develop a plan to secure those funds.
  • Grant training – Personalized coaching and custom workshops to build your team’s internal capabilities.
  • Strategic planning – Whether you’re a brand new organization needing to define its vision, mission, and initiatives or an organization in transition, we can help you develop a strategic plan, aligned to funding opportunities and further matched with your capacity-building goals.

For more information and a free consultation, please contact us.

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Perfect Funding Opportunities are Out There.


There are thousands of grants available at any one time but with everything else you and your team have to do, it can be impossible to stay on top of the best opportunities for your organization. Resource Associates can make sure you never miss a grant with Grant Siren, our grant alert service.

Subscribe, and we’ll send you emails whenever grants matching your organizational needs are available.

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