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Welcome to Resource Associates

Grants offer crucial revenue to eligible agencies, especially nonprofits. Serious grant seekers use Resource Associates for grant funding, grant planning, and grant writing. With more than 27 years of experience and 1,200 nonprofits served, expect our team of top grant industry experts to efficiently and affordably deliver submission-ready grant proposals and dependable guidance.

Whether we’re writing a grant or helping you find high-stakes, awardable grant opportunities, we always work with efficiency in mind. We can quickly gather the content necessary to complete most grant services with nothing more than a few email exchanges or calls.

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Grant Writing

It takes about 120 to review an RFP and prepare a responsive grant proposal. Save time and guesswork by working with the professionals from resource Associates’Grant Geeks.

Get master-crafted grant proposals, written by grant experts, submission-ready in just a couple of weeks(or by most grant deadlines).

We write grants for fellow grant writers needing help and many client genres.

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Say hello to our team of dedicated grant writers and nonprofit industry experts. We’re the dependable β€œGrant Geeks;” always ready to find and write winning grant proposals for needy communities.

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From incorporating a nonprofit to applying for million-dollar grants, ResourceAssociates offers every service imaginable at nonprofit-friendly pricing.

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