Personnel & Organizational Development Trainings

If you are interested in any of the following audits or assessments, please reach out. We’re always happy to answer questions and discuss your organization’s specific areas of need. Consultations are always offered at no charge and with no obligation.

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$2,500 per day plus travel and material cost reimbursement

Consistent and positive communication among staff is essential to organizational effectiveness and productivity. This training includes, but is not limited to, information, discussion, purposes, and examples of the various types of communication exchanged in educational organizations; benefits and downfalls of communication methods; taking individual and supervisory responsibility for good communication; identifying various audiences; assessment of your organization’s communication; how to strengthen your agency’s communication; and the basics for developing a communications plan consistent with the purpose, goals, values, and objectives of your education agency.


$2,500 per day plus travel and material cost reimbursement

Educators, whether teaching staff, office support, or administrative personnel, have a tremendous amount of work to do in a limited timeframe. During this training, information is presented on skills, tools, and techniques that efficient educators use to manage their time when accomplishing tasks, projects, and goals. Topics that could be included in your customized training are: planning, delegating, organizing, scheduling, prioritizing, time wasters, and the cost and impact that poor time management has on your agency and personnel. In addition, participants will be given the opportunity to analyze their current strengths and weaknesses and document ways in which they will improve efficiency professionally and in their lives outside of work.


$2,500 per day plus travel and material cost reimbursement

This workshop will explore the reasons for conflict and tension among professionals as well as the costs that conflict can have on your agency and students. It further will offer your staff effective tools and techniques to prevent and address conflict. Areas that will be covered include the responsibility of administration to prevent and effectively deal with conflict amongst staff at various levels, methods of preventing conflict, steps to best address and resolve an issue, and how to conduct a conflict resolution meeting.


$2,500 per day plus travel and material cost reimbursement

This hands-on workshop explores the beneficial reasons for developing an effective team atmosphere. It will provide your staff with tips on how to not only create a team in the work place but also foster and build various teams at your education agency. During the training, your staff will actively participate in team building exercises to begin molding and raising their teamwork skills. They will also be provided with a number of activities and strategies that can be utilized beyond the training session as they continue building positive working relationships with fellow team members.


2 hour class $1,200; 4 hour class $2,100; full day class $3,000
(These fees are in addition to material costs as well as travel. Travel is always charged at a flat rate of $1,500 plus $300 per each day required for travel and instruction)

This training will impart information that is needed to build a positive, respectful, and functioning multicultural workplace environment. This workshop will also increase staff’s awareness and knowledge about prejudices and fears regarding differences that may impede effective work relationships and communication. The session will further help your staff to identify barriers to multicultural organization functioning as well as enhance cross-cultural competencies.


$2,500 per day plus travel and material cost reimbursement

Topics of this session include, but are not limited to: exploring and understanding the differences between leaders and managers; understanding your own morals, values, and goals as a leader; learning about your cultural identity and principles as well as how they play a role in your leadership approach; how to utilize self-assessment tools to identify your strengths and improve your weaknesses as a leader; how to change your habits and behaviors to be a better leader; personal and professional goal setting; organizational management techniques; effective leadership styles; understanding your leadership style; and motivating others in a volunteer or low salaried role.


$2,500 per day plus travel and material cost reimbursement

Differentiation requires the realization that learners will vary in their interests, motivation, readiness, and learning profiles. After realization occurs, educators are able to properly set up classrooms where all students work towards essential and/or standard understanding and skills. Such classrooms, however, rely on different content, processes, and products to get there. Differentiation is all about options and should not be punitive by requiring more able students to do additional work that might be required by students not at proficiency standards. Differentiation requires all of us to make big strides in the way we think about the classroom and curriculum.

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