Nonprofit Business Plans

Nonprofit Business Plans (coaching and plan development) Just like a business, nonprofits can’t thrive without clear missions, goals, policies, and revenue pathways. If a business’s success is primarily measured by profit, what analytics (beyond dollars) determine a nonprofit’s success? And, how does that translate into bills and salaries being paid?

Establishing a business plan for your nonprofit helps answer these questions. Business planning is essential for any nonprofit, especially one struggling to define “next steps”  and the roles of its leaders and stakeholders in generating resources necessary for growth.

Let Resource Associates’ Nonprofit Development Specialist facilitate and write your nonprofit business plan. The process follows a robust agenda of data collection, assessment, and live, virtual strategic planning sessions; tailored around your schedule and development needs. As your agency’s purpose, needs, limitations, hopes, and dreams are discussed, the Specialist will apply trusted analytic tools, such as the SWOT and PEST Analysis, to drive and interpret the conversation. As a part of the planning process, the Specialist may also examine agency policies, financial statements, promotional and donor materials, and decision making processes to identify possible gaps and missed funding opportunities. Needs assessment surveying is also a common part of the planning process, offering unique insight from the community and stakeholders on their perceptions of the agency’s relevance, access, strengths, and weaknesses.

For newer agencies wanting to launch their community service initiatives and ideas, the Specialist will assist with crafting your vision, mission, core values, and both short and long term goals.

Within one month’s time, your agency will have its Nonprofit Business Plan. Alongside your organizational tenets will be a summary of the assessment findings, suggested corrective action, and (SMART) agency goals. Grant and nonprofit funding opportunities, matching your eligibility and agency priorities, are included as strategies for capacity building and sustainability.

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