Detailed, Experienced

Grant and Funding Research

One of the core services that Resource Associates offers its clientele involves researching prospective grant and funding opportunities, and then compiling this information into a comprehensive Funding Assistance Research Report (FARR). This report will be specifically written just for you. Our research team begins the FARR development process by joining you on a conference call where a thorough intake and assessment of your funding needs, projects, and goals will take place. It is also during this call that we may discuss various options and strategies that can help you expand your eligibility for a greater volume of grants. These approaches may entail the development of partnerships or unique business incorporation strategies.

Our team will then use all of the information discussed to date to create a comprehensive report of upcoming grant competitions, funding opportunities, tax credits, debt and loan forgiveness programs, community resources, and more, for which you would be most eligible to apply. Additionally, becoming a FARR client automatically places you into our funding alert system so that when new grants and funding opportunities come out, we will alert you and consult with you — free of charge.

The FARR process takes up to four weeks to complete, at which time we will email you the report and engage in a final conference call to review the report and explain its enclosed funding possibilities.

Fee: $500-$599 depending on the scope of the project.


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